"The Bible is the name given to the entire collection of sixty-six religious books known as the 'Holy Scriptures.' It is sometimes also called the 'Holy Bible' because God is the author. He inspired humans through the Holy Spirit to write the Bible, and its content reveals God Himself to humanity. It is also a marvelous treasure of spiritual truths, containing teachings that are completely without error. Therefore, the entire Bible is absolutely authentic and trustworthy. The whole Bible testifies about Christ, who is its central figure and the sole and complete fulfillment of God's plan of salvation for humankind."

the specialties of the Bible

Did you know?

Inspired by God

In Greek: Theopneustos – meaning 'God-breathed'
2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:20-21

Original Languages

Old Testament: Hebrew & Aramaic
New Testament: Greek

Total Number of Books

The entire Bible contains 66 books.
Spanning from Genesis to Revelation.


The Bible never contains any errors or mistakes
John 17:17; Titus 1:2

Geographic Locations

These are the regions where the authors wrote the Books of the Bible:
The Middle East, Asia Minor (Turkey), & Europe

Total Chapters in the New Testament

There are a total of 260 chapters in the New Testament.
New Testament: from Matthew to Revelation.


The books of the Bible were written over a span of approximately 1,500 years..
Roughly from 1400 BC to around 90 AD.

The Oldest Book

These are the regions where the authors wrote the Books of the Bible:
The Middle East, Asia Minor (Turkey), & Europe

Total Chapters in the Old Testament

There are a total of 929 chapters in the Old Testament.
Old Testament: from Genesis to Malachi.


The entire Bible was composed by more than 40 authors. They differed in time periods, backgrounds, literary styles, etc.

The Last Book

The last book written was the Book of Revelation, around 90 AD.

First Printed Bible

The Gutenberg Bible was printed in Mainz, Germany, in 1455.
It was printed in Latin, based on the Vulgate.

The Bible does not prove the existence of God

The Bible assumes the existence of God

From the very first pages to the final words, the Bible does not devote much effort to proving the existence of God. Instead, it declares His presence certainly and clearly. Right from the first verse in Genesis, the Bible states: 'In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.' (Genesis 1:1). There is no defense or debate, only a strong and unwavering assertion of His existence and power. The Bible's authors wrote with deep faith and personal experience with God, seeing His existence as a self-evident truth. God's presence is depicted through miracles, guidance, and prophecies, reflected in every story and teaching. The Bible is not a philosophical dissertation on God's existence but a living testimony of the relationship between God and humanity.


Remarkable numbers

Number of Translations

The Bible is the most translated book in history.


Over 5 billion copies of the Bible have been published and distributed worldwide.

The Amazing Bible

The Bible not only holds religious significance but also has historical and cultural value. Here are some wonders of the Bible that you may not know:


A supernatural process through which God 'breathed' into the Bible…

Biblical Canon

In its classical and theological use, the word CANON means 'rule'…


This refers to the manual copying of the biblical texts in their original languages (Hebrew or Greek)…


Before the original biblical texts disappeared, they were copied onto papyrus, parchment, and animal skins…

Historical Accuracy

The Bible is not just a collection of religious documents but also an important source of historical information…


Bible Overview

Old Testament

  • 60% 60%

The prophecy and expectation of the coming of the Messiah, who would come to redeem and bless humanity.

New Testament

  • 40% 40%

Shows the fulfillment of Old Covenant prophecy through the coming of the Messiah – Jesus Christ.

What does the Bible refer to itself?


“The seed is the word of God.”
Luke 8:11


“Is not my word like fire, declares the Lord…”
Jeremiah 23:29

Living and Active

“For the word of God is living and active…”
Hebrews 4:12


“…and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?”
Jeremiah 23:29


“Your word is a lamp to my feet
and a light to my path.”
Psalm 119:105


“And take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”
Ephesians 6:17